DESCRIPTION : This is a TV-like message banner script that creates a "always-on-top" message, centered at the bottom of the surfer's screen. Use it like its used on TV- to advertise your products, or anything else that requires special attention. The script comes with the following features:
Supports rich HTML- Comes in multiple "display" modes:
1) Display the message perpetually on screen
2) Display the message for a set period of time, then disappear
3) Display the message once per browser session - Message background can be set to "flash."
Save with top.js
//enter the message you wish to be shown, including html tags var message='Help us spread the word. Please link to us!' //enter a color name or hex to be used as the background color of the message var backgroundcolor="#FFFF8A" //enter 1 for always display, 2 for ONCE per browser session var displaymode=1 //Set duration message should appear on screen, in seconds (10000=10 sec, 0=perpetual) var displayduration=0 //enter 0 for non-flashing message, 1 for flashing var flashmode=1 //if above is set to flashing, enter the flash-to color below var flashtocolor="lightyellow" ///////////////do not edit below this line//////////////////////////////////////// var ie=document.all var ieNOTopera=document.all&&navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera")==-1 function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers) setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) } var which=0 function flash(){ if (which==0){ if (document.layers) topmsg_obj.bgColor=flashtocolor else which=1 } else{ if (document.layers) topmsg_obj.bgColor=backgroundcolor else which=0 } } if (ie||document.getElementById) document.write(''+message+'') var topmsg_obj=ie? document.all.topmsg : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("topmsg") : document.topmsg function positionit(){ var dsocleft=ie? document.body.scrollLeft : pageXOffset var dsoctop=ie? document.body.scrollTop : pageYOffset var window_width=ieNOTopera? document.body.clientWidth : window.innerWidth-20 var window_height=ieNOTopera? document.body.clientHeight : window.innerHeight if (ie||document.getElementById){ } else if (document.layers){ topmsg_obj.left=dsocleft+window_width/2-topmsg_obj.document.width/2 } } function setmessage(){ if (displaymode==2&&(!display_msg_or_not())) return if (document.layers){ topmsg_obj=new Layer(window.innerWidth) topmsg_obj.bgColor=backgroundcolor regenerate2() topmsg_obj.document.write(message) topmsg_obj.document.close() positionit() topmsg_obj.visibility="show" if (displayduration!=0) setTimeout("topmsg_obj.visibility='hide'",displayduration) } else{ positionit()"visible" if (displayduration!=0) setTimeout("'hidden'",displayduration) } setInterval("positionit()",100) if (flashmode==1) setInterval("flash()",1000) } function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = "" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } function display_msg_or_not(){ if (get_cookie("displaymsg")==""){ document.cookie="displaymsg=yes" return true } else return false } if (document.layers||ie||document.getElementById) window.onload=setmessage
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<script src="">
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